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Monday, December 31, 2012




(and since I figured out I could insert videos from YouTube into your posts, you can watch it right here!)

See, I was on this one video and I was looking on the comments, and I found a link to this video on one of the comments, so I watched it and this is me:

First time: What the...
Second time and after: Can't stop laughing!

The author's comment will probably explain this:

"No. It's a long story. I was trying to design a custom cardback design for a pony game and it all kind of spiraled out of control.
That's where most of my videos come from, actually. I have a nice tame idea like "I'll make a Three Doors Down PMV" and then it's past midnight and things start to get weird." (LimeyLassen)


1 comment:

  1. LOL! Thats so randomely hilarious! Your blog is still the best! :D



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