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Sunday, December 2, 2012

Jamaaliday Jam Party!

New party! i know im a little late but this is it:

Its a gingerbread den.

the music store only sells winters dance mrrp.

This is the store. they only sell furniture. Its a gingerbread carriage.

They also sell reindeer!

Happy Jamaalidays!



  1. Hi! Can anyone comment on my blog and visit it? :D
    Name: Animal Jam Explorer Club
    URL: http://animaljamexplorer-club.blogspot.com/

  2. Sure! i would love to check out your blog and comment on it :)

  3. I'll visit your blog! Sounds great! :D


  4. P.s, I tried commenting on your blog,4101leapprardsp1oqtwa, but you didn't have the anonymous "comment as" button, and I don't have any of the other things. P.p.s, Your blog is really awesome!



Please do not say anything mean or inappropriate or i will have to delete your comment... don't make me do that. mrrp