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Friday, March 8, 2013

Happy Spring Break!

Spring Break! It's still Friday and I am already having a great Spring Break! After school, me and my BFF went to see that one Oz movie, we snuck in candy and bought popcorn and used our coupon for a free drink, I nearly lost my awesome gloves in the theater, I got an epic Princess Luna T-shirt, my BFF showed me a hilarious video, got a song stuck in my head, and overall we had a great time!

And its only 5:30. Ha!

I might be going to the Grand Canyon over the break, so I might not be posting every day.

Happy Jamming, and have a great Spring Break!



  1. That sounds awesome Gylfie! I hope the rest of your spring break is as great as your day! I'm having my friend over for a sleepover on saturday,and we both love the show gravity falls, and I've got a few episodes recorded, so we could spend a lot of time together watching, the re-create the episodes with my littlest pet shops! :D Then, I hope sometime my family and my friends can go to the museum of nature. :) Have a great spring break everyone!



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