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Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Snow Leopards

Okay, so I know that I am a new blog and all, but the newest mystery in Animal Jam is the Snow Leopard.

Most people say that it comes from the wristbands, but I recently e-mailed Animal Jam HQ, and this is their reply:

Customer Service 1, Nov 28 07:13 (MST):
Thank you for contacting Animal Jam Headquarters.
We are happy to announce there is a new avatar coming soon to Jamaa! In fact, some have already been spotted.
The newest Animal Jam gift card featuring the Snow Leopard will soon be found at select Target stores. These will only be available in stores, not online or internationally at this time.
The wristbands we offer in the Animal Jam Outfitters store do not contain any codes for the newest avatar. The code will only be available through purchasing the Target gift card.
Keep your eye out for more information in the week to come!
Play Wild,
Animal Jam HQ

So today I am going to Target and hopefully they will have them!

1 comment:

  1. Wow thanks for posting ythis because i want tp get a snow leopaard and this helped!(sorry for the spelling mistakes)
    İ saw some non member snow leopards..i wonder how you do it??


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