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Sunday, May 12, 2013


Sorry I haven't really been on. My computer's been real screwy, and so here I am, on Safe Mode! Here's the updates I missed:


Yup, no direct video. Oh no. Blame the screwy computer.

Happy Jamming.



  1. Hi Gylfie. :) I just wanted to know if you were willing to give Equestria girls a chance. After seeing the trailer, it looked better than I thought it would. Lol, new antagonist. Sunset Shimmer.


    1. No, for a few reasons:

      It's basically the Twilight Sparkle Movie, and I don't really like Twi enough to watch an entire movie dedicated to her.
      Spike is a dog. He was never a pet.
      Twi has a boyfriend.
      Same old High School trope.
      Extremely predictable- Twi leaves her friends to find a sparkly crown, finds new friends who are basically just there to help her find her sparkly crown and Twi has to win the title of Beauty Queen to get her stupid crown back.
      It's only there to sell rip-off Mattel toys.
      They all wear skirts.
      Their clothes don't match.
      I think Hasbro hates us all because we're not little girls.

      Read the article. Then the comments.

      Now ZXInsanity's Equestria Girls I would pay to see a full movie of!

    2. Despite this, I'll probably do the same thing every other person in the fandom will do: watch it on YouTube and laugh at it.

    3. Wow, your good. o.o You ,like, predicted the entire movie. :D Pretty much, I think thats all it is. They look WAY too thin, and many other problems. Her boyfriend is revolting. And your right, Spike was never a pet, and he was never meant to be a pet. I feel bad for Spike. It's kinda weird to see Twi with a boyfriend, (back to line 4, third word to the left! XD) considering she's an alicorn and he's a dipwad. (cough cough) I mean human. I thought people would be suspicious because the mane six had rainbow skin, but when I saw the trailer, THEY WERE ALL RAINBOW! Some jacked up high school that is. And what are the cmc's doing in high school? Aren't they only like 8 years old? And I also wondered why there were so many background characters there. Someone OBVIOUSLY wasn't doing a good job at guarding that mirror! (sorry, long comment) Well, thats all I got 2 say 'bout it.


    4. Sorry, 4th line, second word to the left. It kinda changed places when I pressed enter. :U


    5. Meh, I'll give it a chance. A SMALL chance, but still a chance. There's no way I'm spending money on it though. I'll watch it on YouTube.


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